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ARCBRO BattleShip-GT CNC Gantry Plate Cutter
ARCBRO BattleShip-GT CNC Gantry Plate Cutter
ARCBRO BattleShip-GT CNC Gantry Plate CutterARCBRO BattleShip-GT CNC Gantry Plate CutterARCBRO BattleShip-GT CNC Gantry Plate Cutter
ARCBRO BattleShip-GT CNC Gantry Plate Cutter
Termék leírása:


  • The ArcBro-Battleship GT standard cutting area is 2,000X3,000mm
  • Max cutting area can reach 3,500X15,000mm
  • Available Cutting Width Standard 1,800mm (2,000mm / 2,500mm / 3,000mm / 3,500mm)
  • Available Cutting Length Standard 2,500mm (Add 500mm for one unit, max as 15,000mm)
  • Servo Cutting System, more precise and more stability


We update all Battleship structure into more stronger, it is much more stable but assemble easy. Battleship GT use Aluminum + Steel style, it has the light and endurable and stable feature :

  • The Aluminum support update 40X80MM from 40X40MM
  • The cross beam update 80X100MM square steel from the 40X40MM Aluminum, Max support 150KG
  • The width of the machine car rail update 420MM from 320MM
  • The whole connection structure using the 40X80MM Aluminum , even on the bottom base
  • The fix of the base is heavy U-steel
  • Update the installation structure, totally quick fix design, you will more easy assemble the machine

More Precise!!

We update the transmission details, the Battleship GT has more cutting performance:

  1. the rack update 17X17MM 1.5 from 10X10MM 1.0
  2. the guide on cross beam is duo linear V groove guide wheel
  3. the powerful motor update, Panasonic servo system optional
  4. the guide on the rail is double size than ever, each guider has 2 wheel
  5. the THC update into auto high speed system, no need switch when plasma and Oxyfuel model changing
  6. with anti colliding system
  7. the THC is much more larger and endurable , and equip with the big plasma power, like Max or HPR
  8. update into 3 electromagnetic valve for Oxyfuel cutting
  9. with the anti dust cooling fan


ArcBro Battleship integrates a completely new version of CNC controller with many new features:

  • High Memory for Users’ Programs
  • 7.0 inch Colorful Screen, high resolution
  • Built-in Library of Commonly Used Figures
  • Break-point & Power-cut Restoration
  • Returning to Reference Point
  • Kerf compensation
  • Revolving
  • Mirror image
